The U.S. Cultural Preservation Society L.L.C.
Stop investing in the destruction of your society. It is time to invest in a solid economy built on Manufacturing.
Stop investing in the destruction of your society. It is time to invest in a solid economy built on Manufacturing.
The Wright City Commercial Bar and Restuarant Bond
Most Americans are unaware of their constitutional rights. Under Article one section eight of the constitution this gives the government the authority to step into and help the private sector.
At the moment our bars, restaurants and business are experiencing price gouging in their monthly insurance premiums, do to a private corporate relationship between city and government officials writing draconian laws that force business owners to pay an unreasonable amount of money every month in order to stay in business.
With the Wright City Commercial Bar and Restuarant Bond, the business owner would bring his insurance policy to the courthouse and would have to pay only 50% of his annual insurance policy. After The Wright Commercial Bar and Restuarant City Bond is paid the owner will be able to keep the bond as long as he does not use it.
The business owner would then be able to keep the bond as long as he or she wishes and can sell the bond if they no longer need it or no longer own the business.
Become a member of the US Cultural Preservation Society and let's work together to take back our country through the political system.
Using a weighted average of the 4 studies, a lower limit of 210,000 deaths per year was associated with preventable harm in hospitals. Given limitations in the search capability of the Global Trigger Tool and the incompleteness of medical records on which the Tool depends, the true number of premature deaths associated with preventable harm to patients was estimated at more than 400,000 per year.
Based on 1984 data developed from reviews of medical records of patients treated in New York hospitals, the Institute of Medicine estimated that up to 98,000 Americans die each year from medical errors.
Americans have become indentured servants. Who have lost their freedom to Empire who uses them as another form of cattle to be sheered for the most profit that benefits Wall Street. Slaves are not safe. Slaves have no freedom, and they have no power because they are not educated and therefore don't have the ability to defend themselves and will remain slaves until they pay off their slave master or become educated. As stated in the Book of Proverbs.
According to the US Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), physicians and clinical services accounted for about 20% of the $4.5 trillion spent on health care in 2022.
In 2020, medical spending increased by 10.6% due to the COVID-19 pandemic, which was higher than the growth in 2021 of 3.2%. This data comes from CMS's National Health Expenditures 2022 report.
According to CMS, physician and clinical services spending increased 2.7% to $8.84 billion in 2021, though that was slower than the 5.3% increase in 2022. Among the factors contributing to the slower growth in 2022 were Medicare, Medicaid, private health insurance, and out-of-pocket expenditures.
A total of $1.4 trillion was spent on hospital care, or 30% of all health care spending. CMS reported that growth in 2022 was 2.2%, down from 4.5% in 2021.
As a result of a slowdown in spending for hospital care by private health insurance, Medicare, and Medicaid, and a decline in other private revenues, growth slowed in 2022, according to CMS. There was a decline in hospital days and discharges in 2022, which contributed to the slower growth in hospital prices.
Spending on prescription drugs accounted for 9% of all health care spending in 2022, rising by 8.4% to $405.9 billion. Medicare and out-of-pocket spending for prescription drugs increased more than 6.8% in 2021, but Medicaid and private health insurance grew slower.
"The faster growth in 2022 was largely due to higher prescriptions dispensed and higher retail prescription drug prices (1.2% in 2022) after four consecutive years of declines," the report said.
The number of people covered by health insurance hit a record high in 2022, with 92% of the population insured. The number of uninsured decreased from 28.5 million to 26.6 million. Last year, the number of private health insurance enrollees grew by 2.9 million, and the number of Medicaid enrollees increased by 6.1 million.
Approximately 29% of health care spending is covered by private health insurance. Last year, that amount increased by 5.9%, compared to 6.3% the previous year. According to the report, hospital costs, physician services, and dental costs were covered less by private health insurance.
Health care spending on Medicare accounted for 21% of all expenditures in 2022, increasing by 5.9% to $944.3 billion. In 2021, the growth rate had been 7.2%.
Medicare fee-for-service spending dropped 1.9% last year, while Medicare private plan spending grew 15.1% and accounted for half of all Medicare spending. In comparison, enrollment in fee-for-service plans decreased by 3% while enrollment in private plans increased by 8.5%. According to Medicare, enrollment increased by 1.2 million people, or 1.9%, from 1.7% in 2021.
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Medicaid spending made up 18% of all health care spending in 2022, growing 9.6% to reach $805.7 billion. In this third consecutive year, the economy grew by more than 9%. Despite the decline from 11.1% growth in 2021, enrollment increased by 7.2% over 2020's 4.6% growth.
"Approximately 18 million new Medicaid enrollees are expected between 2019 and 2022," the report stated. The increased Medicaid enrollment in 2019 reflects the newly enrolled as well as the continuous enrollment requirement of the Families First Coronavirus Response Act.
As a percentage of the U.S. gross domestic product (GDP), health care spending decreased in 2022. As of 2022, it accounted for 17.3% of the national GDP, down from 18.2% in 2021 and 19.5% in 2020. A strong growth rate in GDP, 10.7% in 2021 and 9.1% in 2022, and a decrease in health care spending share from 16.9% to 16.1% in 2022 compared to the recent average share of 17.5% between 2016 and 2019.
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In this book, leading spokesmen for the British Empire clearly articulate the oligarchical principle of intentional genocide. Over 200 years have passed since these citations were made. Environmentalism has been a mask for colonialism using science as a threat and a foundation to justify theft.
The criminal government element in the drug running and laundering industry is exposed in this book. It is nearly a trillion dollar a year death machine that needs to be stopped. After the death of FDR, JFK, RFK, MLK, and others, a flood of death-dealing drugs entered American culture, along with other counter-culture "shock" operations.
In the last 200 years, the British Monarchy has stolen 45 trillion dollars from India. By diplomatic means. The British Monarchy has stolen almost twice as much from the United States in the 20th century. This book explains how.
The In 1969, Bush told the House of Representatives that, unless the menace of human population growth was "recognized and made manageable, starvation, pestilence and war will solve it for us." In remarks to the House on July 30, 1969, he likened the fight against the polio virus to the crusade to reduce the world's population.
Americans are famous for being stupid around the world, but having traveled a little bit around the world i found that Americans are not stupid they just find the wrong things important. In this book i will explain how this came to be and why.
This is a book that shins light on the history of the CIA and how they used the funding of the United States Government to control and maintain slave wages in Latin America in order to benefit Wall Street and its investors relations.
In book I explain in detail how and why Hitler was created. I will also explain how the Nazi Party only had a 20% approval rating in Germany and went bankrupt several times only being bailed out by American and British interests.
The book discusses how German and Americans contributed to the US effort to reach the Moon, as well as the arguments and criticisms made against the space program, and the opponents and enemies they encountered. This resource will contribute to space flight history for years to come.
Don't become what you fight. Its too late. Find out why the United State has to be in the middle of every conflict. The United states creates conflicts to fight. Learn about how finance and military work together through the political system in order create massive theft and murder. Who benefits who loses and why.
This is a book on the history and creation of the European Union behind closed doors. The book will go into detail on how the large financial institutions are looting European countries of their heritage, future and wealth.
The Modern History of Israel
This book will go into great detail on history of modern Israel
Who what where and why the country was created in 1948.
In this book Mr. Wright will discuss a little history of Russia and its enemies in the past and present which have not changed. John will explain how Russia's enemies have attacked the country and why.
The US has around 800 military bases in other countries and cannot even protect its own border. Congress provides federal agencies with budgetary resources each year. The Department of Defense (DOD) distributed $2.13 Trillion among its 6 subcomponents in FY 2024.
The U.S. Military budget is a modern form of theft, a redistribution of wealth and money laundering. Using money laundering to conceal ill-gotten gains enables criminal activity. As a result, it facilitates crime, distorts markets, and negatively impacts citizens' economic and social well-being
Tax Foundation analysis of IRS data shows that the typical earner paid $14,279 in federal income taxes in 2021 (the most recent data available). Social Security and Medicare payroll taxes are not included in federal taxes.
In a new survey released by AAA, one but of every ten U.S. drivers suffers vehicle damage requiring repair after hitting a pothole every year. Approximately $26.5 billion in repairs were involved last year because of pothole damage alone, which cost Americans just under $600 on average.
There are warning signs everywhere. Millions of Texas households are without power due to a winter storm. Farmers in Wisconsin are having difficulty using modern equipment on roads built over 50 years ago. A century-old bridge partially collapsed in Arizona last summer after a train derailed. Millions of gallons of sewage are leaking from old pipes in Florida. The city on a hill, America, is crumbling.
Young people were hired by the federal government under FDR to work on projects throughout the country. A generation of young people lived in shanty towns and rode the rails as hobos and drifters, just like today's youth.
To protect the environment, FDR seized upon an idea that had already been tested in states like California and Pennsylvania-employing young people as tree planters, forest firefighters, and soil conservationists.
The value of capital can therefore be measured by its productivity. As productivity increases, the cost of production decreases, and currency value rises.
The U.S. Cultural Preservation Society views the total economy as a productive system. Its primary objective is to boost total efficiency and the productive power of labor by investing in technological advancements.
Instead of creating new wealth, capitalism constantly looks backward to the past in order to monetize past production. The currency of monetarism is formed by the liquidation of present goods into money.
In place of building better, more efficient mousetraps, the US Government and Wall Street are investing in making more expensive, ineffective traps that you have to keep paying for.
The military spends 2.2 trillion dollars a year. In a world where we can't protect our borders and where 500000 people die from poor medical care, what is the use of waging wars or fighting for a government that won't protect its population?
The United States can manufacture and sell infrastructure to third world countries that need modern infrastructure to survive in their harsh climates. This will benefit both the United States and the World. By allowing Third World nations access to establishing a national banking system and constitution similar to ours this would create a stable foundation for a modern economy.
As a result of the deindustrialization of the baby boomer generation in the 1960s and 1970s, Detroit, Cleveland, and other cities in the rust belt have been destroyed. America's greatness can be attributed to its manufacturing industry.
The U.S. transit system receives the lowest grade, a D-minus, as 45% of Americans lack access to public transportation and the existing transit infrastructure, including subway tunnels and station facilities, is aging. In particular, bridges in the country are in poor condition.
The UAE was quite poor 50 years ago. There were no roads in the country because its infrastructure was undeveloped. Since the discovery of oil in 1966, the ruler of the UAE Zayed bin sultan has literally changed everything, particularly the country's infrastructure.
To stimulate the American System of Political Economy and put people to work, the government assigned a number of civil works projects to the Corps of Engineers to build the infrastructure to create one of the world's most successful economies ever.
The Treasury Department provided $59 billion in financial assistance to the domestic aviation industry. The trucking industry's congestion reduces highway efficiency, causing a domino effect. Modern rail would enable Americans to become independent of airlines and reduce traffic on highways.
Through the inventions developed on the man-made space mission, the US gained 10 dollars for every dollar invested.
One payload of moon-mined helium 3 isotope can meet an entire year's energy needs for the United States.
Due to man's knowledge of the elements, he is projected into the atmosphere and separated from animals. As defined in Genesis, man is not just another animal man his mind is cognitive. Man's ability to cultivate nature is what gives him authority over the planet.
The United States is not racist the media accuses the United States of racism to divide and conquer the country. The Media is racist, and it is owned rich people who are racist.
In the United States, chattel slavery was created not by the government, but by the banking and insurance industry. Human trafficking made Lloyds of London its first billion dollars. As a result of the end of chattel slavery, the United States killed 600000 men in the civil war.
Misrepresenting the truth is how media makes its money. From Y2K to COVID 19, they are always wrong. The media makes money by misleading the public.
The media claims that Obamacare is the best healthcare system in the world. The opposite is true. Among modern countries, the US ranks last in healthcare. Truth is misrepresented by the media because it is paid to do so.
Since the US invasion of Iraq in 2003, thousands of people have been killed and wounded. As a result of direct U.S. war related violence, between 280,771-315,190 people have died.
An analysis claiming COVID-19 vaccines killed 17 million people is flawed and does not account for increases in COVID-19 mortality
Jim Cramer has been wrong so many times, but he still has a financial show, how is that possible? Jim gets investors to put their money into a failing business to bail out the business owners before they fail. He takes a cut from the owners, knowing the investors aren't insured. Media outlets in the country are paid to mislead the public.
In reality, Wall Street has no connection to the physical economy; it only has value to those who own the numbers on that piece of paper. No one can sleep in the paper, eat it, or drive around in it. Despite this, the media paid to tell you how important Wall Street is to you when investing is a means of slavery.
Obamacare is 100 times more expensive than the previous HMO system under Clinton and it is 10 times worse. In order for the United States to return to a manufacturing economy it must return to its former healthcare system. We can cut the price of a new car by 30 percent.
Americans have been attacked by organize crime of their political figures who conspire amongst themselves on how they can raise the price of our resources and energy. Americans deserve full access to their natural resources without interference with the private sector and or government.
Higher Education is becoming no longer relevant, yet education has increased in price 190 percent in 20 years and 1000 percent in 30 years
A number of antitrust laws affecting the television industry were repealed in the 1990s. Streaming giants are exploiting the rollback and vertically integrating, which will lead to a reduction in TV quality and bring us back to the age of network giants.
Censorship is facilitated by it. An example of Internet censorship is found in China, where Google has cooperated with the government to block some Web sites. Others worry that self-censorship will increase as the media becomes increasingly corporate and for-profit.
As a result of deregulation of telecommunications and broadcast markets and elimination of nationwide radio station ownership caps, a few corporations acquired commercial radio stations across the country and homogenized playlists.
Since the Telecommunications Act of 1996, the number of owners of commercial radio stations has declined from approximately 5,100 to approximately 3,800, a decrease of 25%2 (Compaine and Gomery 2000). Since 1995, the number of entities owning commercial TV stations has decreased by 40%.
The Telecommunications Act of 1996 failed to establish wire-to-wire competition for cable TV services. There are virtually no open video systems available. The cable wire monopoly has not been seriously challenged by head-to-head overbuilding (cable vs. cable).
Although the law was intended to make it easier for any business to compete in the communications industry, many of its most damaging provisions forced small broadcasters out of the market, while large corporations gained access to broadcast licenses, reducing the number of independent voices in communities.
After listening to Joe Biden speak there is no doubt that the Pentagon runs the presidency and the United States. These people are figurehead's incapable of thinking for themselves. Among all generations, the Baby Boomer Generation is the worst in world history. In 70 years, they destroyed the greatest country on earth, something that took the Roman Empire 700 years to accomplish what the baby Boomers could do in only 70 years. We need new ideas new leaders and a new economic system.
It is unacceptable for these people to continue to lie, cheat, and steal from us. By running for local office, we can protect ourselves from them. The mayor, the city council, the state representative, and the sheriff. It's time for you to run for office.
There is a military-entertainment complex that involves the cooperation between military and entertainment industries, particularly in the fields of cinema, multimedia, virtual reality, and multisensory extended reality.
English occultist, philosopher and ceremonial magician as well as poet, painter and novelist. In the early 20th century, he founded Thelema, identifying himself as the prophet entrusted with leading humanity into the Kingdom of Horus. Crowley's mantra was "Do as thy wilt."
The United States recorded 123,000 serious violent crimes committed by youth between 12 and 17 in 2021, an increase from the previous year.
A 13.3% share of the federal budget was spent on national defense in 2023, amounting to $820.3 billion. In total, the US spent more on defense than the next nine countries combined.
Aleister Crowley's Mantra "Do as thy Wilt" took a profound effect on people that it turned Counterculture into Pop culture by becoming so popular that it turned a Christian society into a pagan society.
Energy and water can be provided by the Corpus Christi Aqueduct to the state of Texas. Desalinating ocean water by generating energy. Aqueducts move water and energy through pipelines to refill reservoirs in drought-affected areas. To prevent dangerous blackouts, we can also put energy into the grid. For ten dollars a month, any Texas citizen can become a member of the non-profit 501-C4 company. In contrast to ERCOT, stakeholder participation in this project would be restricted to Texans.
The FBI's criminal origins are documented in this book. A politically savvy truck driver can find online a list of illegal activities carried out by the FBI. Take a moment to imagine all the criminal activity the FBI is conducting that isn't publicly available. Based on MI5, the FBI is a secret police agency. Over and over again, the FBI and the media have worked together to take down everyday people in our society.
Through the FBI's governmental powers, they slander their opponents in the press and attack them legally. FBI can use people who get caught up in the wrong place at the wrong time, or people who want to make society a better place for their children, to create a narrative for receiving government money to start a classified unit.
Washington DC has used the FBI to punish those who oppose the war or lockdowns as a political weapon. Stakeholder capitalists' investments have been protected by the FBI since its founding. For 110 years, the FBI has repeatedly broken our laws in the United States to benefit Wall Street and its investors. A financial benefit was gained by the FBI by acting outside the law. You're going to enjoy it, I hope.
Find out why the FBI acts the way it does push this button and buy the audio book
2732 S Padre Island Dr, Corpus Christi TX 78415
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